This is Kelly

Kelly is a Wellness & Leadership Coach who is passionate about and dedicated to empowering woman make the transformational shifts in life that they desire.

Providing motivation and empowerment, Kelly partners with clients through a thought provoking and creative process designed to inspire woman to maximise their personal and professional potential and achieve their goals, while preserving and improving their health and wellness.

Kelly brings over 16 years’ experience as a human resource professional supporting executives and managers to lead, engage and empower teams to perform and achieve their goals. Partnering her experience with qualifications across Human Resources Management, Business Management and Organisational Behaviour, Kelly adds Life Coaching and NLP Practitioner Certification to a suite of offerings to support her clients.

As a proud mum to a Chef and fur babies, happy wife, daughter and sister, and professional woman, Kelly is determined to bring woman together to change the world!

After experiencing burn out, losing myself for a while being busy as a mum while trying to balance life and career, I had to learn how to say no. Life experiences helped me realise that life is too short not to follow my dreams and go after the life that I want to design and create for myself.
— Kelly Vines, Owner, Wellness Soul Tribe

How we work together

Kelly explaining how to work with the Wellness Soul Tribe

The aim of the Wellness Soul Tribe is to enable you to live a holistic, balanced, healthy lifestyle and achieve life goals that are aligned to your purpose, values, and beliefs. Some of the ways we can work together are:

  • Develop strategies to help you reduce burnout, start self-care routines, and focus on what is important to you.

  • Support you to get clarity on your purpose, values, and life goals then help you to set your goals, help you make a plan to achieve your goals and keep you accountable.

  • Coaching support to help you to build self confidence and self-esteem by apply techniques to reduce limited beliefs, negative self-talk, and fears.

  • Build and develop healthy sustainable habits that focus on MOVEMENT – MINDSET – HEALTH.

  • Uncover how to stop feeling unfulfilled and start living life by your design and your own intentions to transform to your future self and the life you desire to live.

  • Develop connections with other likeminded woman who support each other and lift each other up.

Our Core Values

Values of the Wellness Soul Tribe - making a difference


We support health, wellbeing, mind, body & soul by being grounded and authentic.

We bring woman together by being supportive, inspiring and rising together – no judgement here.

We are not competitors – we are a tribe! Our tribe share common values, beliefs and we design our culture and traditions together.

Values of the Wellness Soul Tribe - Leadership


We are purpose and values driven; we lead by example.

We inspire and empower; we have integrity; we take accountability for our actions.

We are reliable - we do what we say we will do.

We communicate openly and transparently; we share knowledge, experiences and we continue to learn both personally and professionally.

We build strong partnerships to support our woman (our tribe) and we take action to deliver outcomes and results to achieve our goals and continually grow.

Values of the Wellness Soul Tribe - Health & Wellbeing


We strive to live healthier, within our mind, body, and spirit.

We look after our body by nourishing and fuelling with food, supplements, staying hydrated, getting rest and sleeping well.

We reconnect with nature to ground ourselves; we move our bodies every day and practice gratitude and manifestation.